Investment Position View
The best way to leverage all the relevant data in a fast and simple graphic user interface to find and manage your investments.
B2C Consumer, B2BBusiness, FinTech, Big Data
The Question
Could there be a better way to help investors and advisers to graphically analyze the mountains of investment data to help them make quicker and better decisions related to investment portfolios?
The stock market generatesmountains of essential data and missing one single indicator can cause damage to your portfolio. There is more data than any one person can digest. And it’s your many on the line. Picking and managing your investments can be complicated. Why not use our graphic system to summarize market data in a simple format designed to use your criteria to identify investments to buy and sell?
Distribution Plan
B2C B2B Investment brokers would pay so their customers have access to a reduced version of the system. Daily reports and other content would drive traffic.
A unique investment scoring and risk indicator along with the graphic representation and AI components could be patentable.
Individual investors and advisers who manage multiple investment positions are inundated with mountains of critical data related to their holdings. Getting to the right information and making clear rational fact-based decisions is always a challenge. But what if all the positions along with relevant real-time and historical data could be presented in a clear graphical display along with selectable decision criterion to help them to decide when to exit or add to a position and alert them to new potential portfolio investments? The system will also send out alerts and regular reports to keep users informed of the status of possible investments and their current holdings.
Available for development